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Discover the powerful tool that hypnosis can be to Improve Your Mindset To Win


Discover the powerful tool that hypnosis can be to Improve Your Mindset To Win

Clinical Hypnotherapy Individual Sessions Done On Zoom. Working With Teams Can Be Done In Person. Please Contact Dr Sue To Book.

BY Sue Williams


Opening in 2020 to serve the many requests for help with issues at the subconscious level, Sport Hypnotherapy serves as a brief intervention for deep changes in clients lives and assists athletes, sporting teams and sportspersons. Unlike traditional therapy, our sessions are short and focussed squarely on communicating with the Unconscious Mind to make changes at a deeper level.










The Power of Hypnosis For Transformation

Ever wondered why you're stuck in a pattern, unable to break free? The answer may not be at the conscious level but deep within your subconscious mind. This is where the true transformation occurs, and hypnotherapy can be your gateway to unlock it.

🌟 Why Hypnotherapy?

Unlike traditional therapy, hypnotherapy bypasses the critical, analytical part of your brain and directly communicates with your subconscious. It's like having a direct line to the control room of your mind, allowing us to reframe and rewire your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviour for the better.

💡Holistic Transformation

From quitting smoking to conquering your fears, from improving your performance at work to enhancing your relationships, hypnosis can be the key to unlock a new, better version of you. Think of it as an 'OS update' for your mind.

🤝 Your Trusted Guide

As a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist I bring a nuanced understanding of the human psyche and how to leverage its untapped potential. With my years of experience entertaining and transforming lives, I offer a rapid, uniquely enjoyable and deeply effective approach to hypnotherapy.

🔒Safe, Confidential, Empowering

Your trust is paramount. Our sessions are completely confidential, designed with the utmost care to provide a safe space for your transformation journey.

🌱Ready to Begin?

Are you ready to break free from societal trances that limit your potential and choose a path that leads to personal greatness? The power to change lies within you, and hypnotherapy can help you unleash it.

About Sue Williams.

Clinical Hypnotherapist

  1. 5 Years Clinical Experience

  2. Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists Senior Associate Member 1991V

    International Council Of Psychotherapists Member 1621

    International Institute for Complementary Therapists Practitioner Member 2001127912

    International Association of Counselors & Therapists Registration No: 113021-11714

    Complementary Therapists Accredited Association Practitioner Member 10662441

    International Hypnosis Association Certified Member

    The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology Registered Member SY5008-LY5LK9Y-AC

    Rapid Transformational Therapy® Practitioner 366218

    Licenced RTT® Practitioner 2023-24

    Doctor of Quantum Counselling

    Clinical Hypnotherapist

    Diploma of Sports Psychology

    Quantum Journeys Hypnosis Practitioner

    NES Health Practitioner

    TFT & EFT Practitioner

    Animal Energy Therapy Practitioner

  3. Sport Hypnotherapy empowers athletes across all disciplines, catering to every sport, every athlete, and every team. This unique approach enables individuals and groups to surpass their performance goals and excel in their chosen sports.

Our Services

We have a range of services for different client outcomes.


Clinical Hypnotherapy

Our hypnotherapy sessions are expertly designed to leverage the power of hypnosis for enhancing sports performance, focusing on achieving substantial improvements in a short time frame. Tailored specifically to each athlete’s goals, whether it's sharpening focus, conquering performance anxiety, or fostering mental resilience, these sessions deliver quick yet profound changes.

Targeted Approach: We customise every session to the athlete’s individual needs, concentrating on key areas such as concentration enhancement, anxiety management, and motivation boosting. This precision ensures that every aspect of the session contributes directly to the athlete’s performance and mental toughness.

Rapid Transformation: Understanding the fast-paced nature of sports, our sessions are designed for efficiency, facilitating significant shifts in mental attitude and performance swiftly. Athletes often notice marked improvements immediately, enabling a quicker return to peak performance.

Deep, Lasting Changes: Through advanced hypnotherapy techniques, we initiate core changes in the athlete's mental processes. These foundational shifts support sustained performance improvements, helping athletes navigate pressures and setbacks with newfound resilience and consistency.


Specialty Packages



  • Custom Root Cause Hypnotherapy Session

  • Session Recording $97 Competition Mindset Coaching x 12 Sessions

  • Riders Mindset Audio App

  • 2 X Energy Scan

  • 5 X Infoceuticals


  • Nutrition Package

  • Tai Chi

  • Qigong

  • Stretching & Balance Program

  • Riders Coordination & Flexibility Program

  • Horse Float Towing Confidence

  • 4 x Meditations

  • Journal

  • Planner

  • eBooks: Equestrian Hypnosis, Sports Hypnosis, Case Studies


Packages of sessions for specific outcomes

Steady Strides Equestrian Sports Mindset Program

This is a comprehensive program to equip riders with the mindset to get back into or improve their sport of horse riding.

Our Mission

Dedicated towards helping you reach your potential


Our Promise

As a Member of a number of Australian and International Hypnosis and Psychotherapy associations, Dr Sue dedicates her focus to you in every session, to help you find clarity and overcome the challenges you are facing at this point in your life.


Our Guarantee

We're honored every time you choose us to enhance your athletic performance. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

That's why Dr Sue provides a 100% money-back guarantee on your initial session. Dive into the transformative experience of Sport Hypnotherapy risk-free, and see why we believe you're going to love it!

Our Blogs

The Psychology of Riders

The Psychology of Riders - A Journey of Mindset and Influence

July 14, 202410 min read

The Psychology of Riders - A Journey of Mindset and Influence

Navigating the equestrian world is as much about understanding ourselves as it is about understanding our horses. Just as horses face challenges in new environments, we, as riders, also confront significant psychological shifts. Our experiences, shaped by early authority figures and renowned equestrians, play a pivotal role in forming our mindset and actions.

The Impact of Early Influences

From a young age, many of us are guided by parents, trainers, and coaches who instil foundational principles about riding and horse care. These early lessons create a blueprint for how we perceive and interact with horses. If these authority figures emphasized caution, control, or even fear, these sentiments can deeply influence our future interactions with horses.

The Formative Years as a Youngster or as an Older Rider:

The early years of our equestrian journey are critical. During this period, we are like sponges, absorbing information, attitudes, and behaviours from those around us. Parents who may have had their own fears or concerns about horse riding might pass these anxieties onto us, often without realizing it. Statements like "Be careful, horses are unpredictable" or "Always stay in control" can become deeply embedded in our psyche, shaping a cautious or even fearful approach to riding.

For riders who come into the sport at a later age, the challenges can be different but equally impactful. These individuals might bring a different set of fears and apprehensions, often related to physical vulnerability and a heightened awareness of potential injuries. Unlike younger riders who may not fully grasp the risks, older beginners tend to approach riding with a more cautious mindset. This can be compounded by previous life experiences, such as past injuries or negative encounters with horses, making the process of building confidence and trust more complex. Additionally, societal expectations and self-imposed pressures to quickly master the skills can lead to frustration and self-doubt. Understanding and addressing these unique concerns is crucial for helping latecomers to the sport develop a positive and rewarding relationship with riding.

Trainers and Coaches:

Trainers and coaches also play a significant role. Their methods and attitudes towards training and horse care can either build our confidence or reinforce a sense of insecurity. A trainer who prioritizes safety and control over building a trusting relationship with the horse may inadvertently instil a mindset focused on managing risk rather than enjoying the ride. Conversely, a supportive and encouraging trainer can help us develop a more balanced and confident approach, emphasizing the importance of communication and mutual respect between horse and rider.

Peer Influence:

Peers and fellow riders also contribute to our early experiences. Riding in a group where competition and comparison are prevalent can foster a mindset of self-doubt and pressure to perform. On the other hand, being part of a supportive community that celebrates progress and personal growth can enhance our confidence and enjoyment of riding.

Long-Term Effects:

The long-term effects of these early influences are profound, whether you start riding as a child or as an adult. Riders who grow up with, or are exposed to, a foundation of fear and caution may develop a fixed mindset, where challenges are seen as threats rather than opportunities for growth. They may become overly focused on controlling their horse and avoiding risks, leading to a tense and unfulfilling riding experience. On the other hand, those who receive positive reinforcement and encouragement are more likely to develop a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and improve.

The Role of Famous Horse People

As we grow and immerse ourselves deeper into the equestrian world, we often look to famous horse people for advice and inspiration. Their methods and philosophies can either reinforce our existing beliefs or challenge us to adopt new practices. The impact of these influencers is profound, as their success stories and techniques shape our aspirations and approach to riding.

The Power of Influence:

Famous horse people hold a significant sway over the equestrian community. Their accomplishments and public personas make them authoritative figures whose opinions and methods are highly respected. Riders often look to these experts for guidance, hoping to emulate their success. This can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on how we interpret and apply their advice.

Reinforcement of Beliefs:

For many riders, the teachings of famous equestrians reinforce existing beliefs. If a rider has grown up with a cautious approach, they may gravitate towards trainers who emphasize control and precision. This can create a cycle where the rider’s fixed mindset is continually reinforced by the expert’s methods. While this can lead to improvements in technical skills, it may also limit the rider’s willingness to explore new approaches and take calculated risks.

Challenging Existing Beliefs:

Conversely, some famous horse people challenge riders to step outside their comfort zones. Trainers who advocate for a more holistic and empathetic approach to riding can inspire riders to rethink their relationship with their horses. These influencers often emphasize the importance of building trust, understanding the horse’s perspective, and developing a partnership based on mutual respect. This can be transformative for riders who have been stuck in a cycle of fear and control, encouraging them to adopt a more open and growth-oriented mindset.

Balancing Authority and Intuition:

One of the key challenges for riders is balancing the authority of famous horse people with their own intuition and experiences. While expert advice is invaluable, it’s essential to remember that each rider-horse partnership is unique. Blindly following a one-size-fits-all approach can lead to frustration and disillusionment. Riders must learn to trust their instincts and adapt expert methods to fit their individual circumstances.

The impact of early influences and famous horse people on our mindset as riders cannot be overstated. By understanding how these factors shape our beliefs and attitudes, we can take proactive steps to develop a healthier, more confident approach to riding. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning, self-reflection, and adaptability will not only enhance our skills but also deepen our connection with our horses, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious equestrian experience.

Mindset Formation and Its Effects

The development of our mindset begins early in life and is often rooted in our formative experiences and the authority figures who shaped our understanding of the world. For many riders, this includes parents, trainers, and early mentors who introduced them to horses. These early experiences create a foundation of beliefs and attitudes that can either empower or hinder our growth as riders.

When authority figures emphasize caution, control, or fear, these messages can embed themselves deeply in our psyche. A child who is constantly told to be careful around horses or who witnesses negative experiences may develop a mindset that views riding as inherently risky and fraught with danger. This can lead to a fixed mindset, where the rider believes that their abilities are static and unchangeable, and any deviation from the known and familiar is met with anxiety and resistance.

As we progress in our equestrian journey, the influence of renowned horse people can further shape our mindset. These individuals, often seen as experts, can reinforce existing beliefs or challenge us to adopt new ones. However, the tendency to place these figures on a pedestal can lead to an overreliance on their methods and opinions, sometimes at the expense of our own intuition and experiences. This can create a sense of inadequacy or self-doubt, particularly when our personal experiences don’t align with the advice of these experts.

Facing Uncertainty. The Psychological Impact of a New Horse:

When faced with a new horse, the psychological impact of these ingrained beliefs becomes evident. The unfamiliarity of a new horse's behaviour, responses, and movement can trigger a sense of unpredictability and insecurity. This shattering of expectations disrupts our sense of control and reliability, leading to heightened anxiety and a preoccupation with managing perceived risks. The rider’s focus shifts from enjoying the experience to constant vigilance, emotionally monitoring the horse, and seeking solutions to fix perceived problems. When efforts to resolve these issues repeatedly fail, feelings of guilt, shame, and hopelessness can take root, further eroding confidence and enjoyment.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking free from the constraints of a fixed mindset requires a deep and conscious effort to understand and reframe our beliefs. It begins with self-awareness and reflection. Acknowledging that our mindset has been shaped by early experiences and influential figures is the first step towards change. This awareness allows us to critically examine the origins of our fears and anxieties and to recognize that they are not immutable truths but conditioned responses that can be altered.

Once we understand the roots of our mindset, we can begin to challenge and reframe these beliefs. This involves questioning the validity of our fears and the authority of those who instilled them. Are these fears based on actual experiences, or are they inherited anxieties from others? Are the methods and advice from renowned horse people suitable for our unique circumstances, or do they need to be adapted to fit our personal journey?

Engaging in positive reinforcement is crucial. Surrounding ourselves with supportive mentors and peers who encourage growth and provide constructive feedback can help rebuild confidence. Positive experiences, even small victories, should be celebrated as they reinforce the belief that change is possible and that we are capable of overcoming challenges.

Mindfulness practices can also play a significant role in breaking the cycle of a fixed mindset. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and visualization can help manage anxiety and maintain a calm, focused mindset. These practices enable us to stay present, reducing the tendency to catastrophize potential problems and allowing us to respond to new situations with greater equanimity.

It’s important for riders to recognize that the ability to change is within their reach, even if it feels foreign or unattainable. Many have been stuck in a particular mindset for so long that the idea of change seems daunting or unrealistic. However, shifting one's mindset is not only possible but also transformative. By acknowledging this potential for change, riders can start to dismantle the limiting beliefs that have held them back. This process involves stepping out of their comfort zone and embracing new ways of thinking and being. It may require patience and persistence, but with the right support and a commitment to personal growth, profound changes can occur. Realizing that mindset transformation is accessible empowers riders to take control of their journey, leading to greater confidence, enjoyment, and success in their equestrian endeavors.

Professional support can be invaluable in this journey. Working with a sports psychologist or a mindset coach can provide personalized strategies to address deep-seated fears and develop a more resilient mindset. These professionals can offer tools to reframe negative thoughts, set realistic goals, and build mental toughness.

Ultimately, breaking the cycle involves a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. This doesn’t mean simply seeking out new information but actively engaging in experiences that challenge our existing beliefs and push us out of our comfort zones. By embracing a growth mindset, we can transform our relationship with riding, viewing challenges as opportunities for development rather than threats to our competence.

In conclusion, our mindset as riders is a complex interplay of early influences, authoritative advice, personal experiences, and the attitudes we acquire later in life, especially for those who come to riding as adults. By understanding the psychological roots of our beliefs and actively working to reframe them, we can break free from limiting patterns and develop a more confident, adaptable approach to riding. This journey of self-discovery and growth not only enhances our skills but also deepens our connection with our horses, leading to a more rewarding and harmonious equestrian experience.

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Sue Williams

Clinical Sport Hypnotherapist who specialises in working with Athletes across a broad spectrum of sports and disciplines.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnosis?

It is the bypassing of the critical faculty of the mind and direct communication with the subconscious mind. It feels a lot like a deeply focussed day dream. Another name for it is Monoideism which is essentially having a singular focus.

What is Hypnosis Like?

Have you ever been in a room full of people, feeling as though you are taking part in the group but feeling detached from it?Have you ever had the experience of driving home while being preoccupied by something and suddenly realising that even though you have arrived safely at your destination, you can’t recall driving past familiar landmarks? It’s as if you were on automatic pilot.Have you ever been unsure whether not you did something or simply thought about doing it? For example, did you mail that letter or did you just think about mailing it?Have you ever been so absorbed in an activity that you were able to block out sounds or make them totally unimportant or not even hear them?Have you ever stared into space, thinking of nothing, and been unaware of the passage of time?Have you ever had the experience of remembering a past experience with such clarity and vitality that it was almost as if your were reliving it?Have you ever been able to shut out your surroundings by concentrating very hard on something else?Have you ever had the experience of reading a novel or watching a film and being so absorbed that you forgot about your surroundings, almost living the story?Have you ever been lulled into a dreamy state or put to sleep by a lecture or a concert, even though you were not tired?

What is a Clinical Hypnotherapist?

A Clinical Hypnotherapist is a specialist in hypnosis, who uses the healing state of hypnosis to work with problems or conditions that a client wishes to change.

Can Anyone Be Hypnotised?

Pretty much – some more easily than others. Like anything else in life, the more people practice self-hypnosis, the more easily they can slip into that wonderful relaxed state. The depth that people reach in hypnosis varies between individuals. It is not necessary to achieve a very deep level of hypnosis to bring about change to habits or conditions that are having a negative impact either mentally or physically.A common myth about hypnotisability is when a person says, “No one could hypnotise me" or "I’m too strong minded”. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. A person goes into hypnosis because they choose to. So strong-minded individuals are really good candidates for hypnosis provided they are committed to wanting it to work for them.

Would I Be Asked To Do Anything Against My Will?

This is one of the common misunderstandings associated with hypnosis. This is probably tied in with another misconception that the hypnotherapist has control over the client. This is not the case. People will not do or say anything under hypnosis that they would not do when not in hypnosis. Thanks to TV shows and stage hypnotists, there is a common misconception that you can be hypnotised against your will. It is not true. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.Research conducted at the University of NSW by Dr Amanda Barnier and reported inThe Sydney Morning Heraldon 2 February 1998, states that “Hypnotised people do not act like robots, nor are they powerless pawns of post-hypnotic suggestionsplanted.

In What Areas Can Hypnotherapy Be Used?

Hypnotherapy can help with smoking cessation, overeating, nail biting, bed wetting, insomnia, headaches, exam nerves, pain, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, bulimia, depression, mood swings, alcoholism, relationship problems, hostility, anger, resentments, worry, guilt, grief, asthma, blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, warts, compulsions.Hypnotherapy has been a great help in improving exam performance, study recall, memory, sports focus, public speaking, personal growth, pain control, performance, assertiveness, childbirth, communication, relaxation, counselling confidence, releasing the past, personal empowerment, goal setting.Hypnosis can be used in the treatment of most disorders, whether mental or otherwise, where the relaxation response promotes the person’s positive mindset. For example, with a physical injury, the person’s mental resources can be enlisted to aid in managing the subsequent discomfort, allow for some rest, and lessen the associated emotional trauma. It must be noted that Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for medical treatment from your doctor.

What Is The History Of Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is not a new modality of treatment. Hypnosis has had a variety of names and has been used for millenia as a means of influencing human behaviour. Therapeutic suggestion and concentration have been practised throughout the history as we have sought to recognise and treat discomfort, disorder and disease. The Celts and Druids practised hypnosis. The Egyptians established “sleep temples” some 4,000 years ago dedicated to therapeutic trance states in which curative suggestions were given. The Bible contains many sections which allude to hypnotic phenomena. Primitive tribes had Shamans who practised ritual, sleep cures and healing suggestions to remove the influences responsible for illness. Undoubtedly, the chants of the earliest medicine men helped many patients to restore their health. Think about the crooning and rocking that a mother uses to help her fitful child into a peaceful state of quiet and sleep.In modern times, hypnosis is usually dated to Vienna in the 1700s and a young physician named Mesmer. The method Mesmer used became known as Mesmerism. Mesmer guided his patients to use their powerful imaginations. By doing so, Mesmer unwittingly lay the corner stone of many present-day therapies. Today, imagery techniques are used in many health care settings, with cancer patients, and in the areas of sports and business motivation.In 1855, English surgeon, James Esdaile, used hypnotic skills in India. He operated on three thousand patients, of which three hundred were major procedures. He discovered the mortality rate dropped from 50% to 5%, and that many of his patients recovered more quickly, had increased resistance to infection, and had greater comfort. He presented his findings to the Royal Academy of Physicians in London. His work was denounced as blasphemous because “God intended for people to suffer”.During the 1st and 2nd World Wars, interest in hypnosis was heightened because hypnosis was found to be very effective in combating war neurosis. The success of hypnosis in dismissing symptoms through a reliving of the events of a traumatic experience created a wave of enthusiasm for hypnotic methods.It is probably true to say that hypnosis is clouded with more myths and misconceptions than any other form of psychological practice, even though these misconceptions have their roots in long-distant history and have no foundation in fact.In Australia and elsewhere throughout the world, hypnotherapy is now recognised as a valuable therapeutic methodology.

Am I Unconscious Or Asleep When Hypnotised?

No. In hypnosis, the conscious mind takes a rest. Hypnosis allows you and the hypnotherapist to tap into the storehouse of information that lies in the subconscious (or unconscious mind) and makes positive changes to thought patterns, habits or the effects of traumatic incidents that are having a negative impact either mentally or physically.

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  • 0483 955 389

  • PO Box 56, Tyabb VIC 3913

  • Mon - Fri 10.00-4.00

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  • 0483 955 389

  • PO Box 56, Tyabb VIC 3913

  • Mon - Fri 10.00-4.00

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